Key to the City

Distance as the crow flies : 1461 km
Jet Lag : -1 h
Airports : Dublin Airport - Aerfort Bhaile Atha Cliath -


Webcam of O'Connell Street, View from Liberty Hall, Dame Street et Four Courts :


Valid passport or identity card.

Time & Climate

If rain is an almost permanent guest in Dublin, the climate can change from hour to hour alternating between rain and possible cloudy skies... May and June are usually the sweetest and sunniest months.


The currency is the Euro (€), € 1 is divided into 100 centimes.
Bills: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, € 500.
Coins 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents and € 1 and € 2.


  • Country code: + 353
  • City Code: 1
    • Call Dublin in France: 00 33 (or +33) followed by the destination number without the first 0 = 9 digits (1 00 00 00 00).
    • Call Dublin from France: 00 353 (or + 353) followed by the destination number of Dublin (1) and the destination number.


Adapter required for most outlets consisting of 3 plugs (220 volts).

Reach downtown from the airport

Dublin Airport - Aerfort Bhaile Atha Cliath


Between 30 to 40 minutes to reach downtown Dublin

  • Airlink Express Bus 747: this particular bus namely leads to the central bus station and Heuston and Connolly stations. Tickets on sale at distributors installed in departure stations from terminals 1 and 2 of the airport and at "Dublin Tourism information desk."
  • Air coach: more comfortable bus line providing connections from the airport (Dublin City Center Ballsbridge and Leopardstown). Booking and ticket printing available online.
  • Terravision: Bus transfers from the airport to O'Connell street downtown. Ticket at the airport.


No direct connection from the airport but possible transfer towards Heuston and Connolly stations with Airlink Express Bus 747.


Transfers by green vehicles. Online reservations

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Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed