è successo un 21 Novembre

1783 : A hot air balloon flight over Paris

On November 21, 1983, Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent made ​​the first flight in a hot-air balloon above Paris. The balloon was designed by the Montgolfier brothers.

1877 : Edison announces the invention of the phonograph

On November 21, 1877, Edison announced his invention of the phonograph, a device for recording and listening sounds. In 1878, he left aside this invention to concentrate on his incandescent light; however, ten years later he perfected his invention to be used for entertainment.

1981 : People learnt who shot J.R.

On November 21, 1981, after eight months of waiting, 350 million people in front of their TV learnt who shot JR at the end of the previous season of the series Dallas, the top series of the moment. For those who have not seen the episode, it was Kristin Shepard, the sister of JR's wife and one of his former mistresses.

2006 : Assassination of Pierre Gemayel

On 21 November 2006, the anti-Syrian Lebanese MP Pierre Gemayel was assassinated by men armed with automatic weapons in Beirut. His uncle Bashir was assassinated in 1982 and his young cousin in 1980.

2009 : Mine explosion in China

On November 21, 2009, an explosion occurred in a coal mine in Heilongjiang province in China. 108 miners were killed.

Citazione del giorno : 21 Novembre

The only way to compel men to speak well of us is to do well.

Compleanni : 21 Novembre

Voltaire, Filosofo e scrittore francese (1694)
Josiah Bartlett, Uomo politico americano (1729)
Lewis H. Morgan, Antropologo americano (1818)
René Magritte, Pittore belgo (1898)
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Scrittore americano, Premio Nobel per la letteratura (1902)
Eleanor Powell, Attrice americana (1912)
Henri Laborit, Medico e scrittore francese (1914)
Ralph Meeker, Attore americano (1920)
María Casares, Attrice spanola e francese (1922)
Marilyn French, Scrittrice americana (1929)
Beryl Bainbridge, Scrittrice inglese (1932)
Jacques Laffite, Pilota di Formula Uno francese (1943)
Harold Ramis, Regista e attore americano (1944)
Goldie Hawn, Attrice americana (1945)
Brian McNamara, Attore americano (1960)
Nicollette Sheridan, Attrice inglese (1963)
Björk, Cantante islandese (1965)
Alex James , Musicista inglese (Blur) (1968)
Inés Sastre, Attrice e modella spagnola (1973)
Dasha, Attrice pornografica ceca (1976)
Jena Malone, Attrice americana (1984)
Jesús Navas, Calciatore spagnolo (1985)

Ci hanno lasciato un 21 Novembre

Henry Purcell, Compositore inglese (1695)
Jacques de Vaucanson, Inventore francese (1782)
Franz Joseph I, Imperatore d'Austria (1916)
C. V. Raman, Fisico indiano, Premio Nobel per la Fisica (1970)
Bill Bixby, Regista e attore americano (1993)
Abdus Salam, Fisico pakistano, premio Nobel (1996)
Pierre Amine Gemayel, Uomo politico libanese (2006)
Konstantin Feoktistov, Cosmonauta russo (2009)
Margaret Taylor-Burroughs, Artista americana (2011)
Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed