è successo un 20 Gennaio

1841 : The British occupied Hong Kong

On 20 January 1841, the British occupied Hong Kong, after several Chinese defeats during the first Opium War.

1929 : In Old Arizona

On January 20, 1929, the first all-talking movie filmed outdoors, In Old Arizona, is released .

1937 : Franklin Delano Roosevelt is inaugurated for his second-term

On January 20, 1937, Franklin Delano Roosevelt takes office as U.S. President for the second time. This is the first time that the inauguration takes place on January 20th, under the 20th Amendment to the Constitution.

1941 : Franklin Roosevelt's third inauguration

Franklin Roosevelt is the only U.S. president elected more than 2 times. Although he had promised during the campaign that he would do everything possible to keep the U.S. out of war, his 3rd term was completely dominated by the Second World War.

1945 : 4th inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt

On January 20, 1945, Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated for the 4th time. Despite his health, the Democratic Party had asked him to represent himself because of the war. Knowing that there were strong reasons why he would not end his term, Roosevelt chose Sen. Harry S. Truman as vice president to replace him eventually.

1992 : Crash in Mont Saint-Odile

On January 20, 1992, Air Inter flight 148 , from Lyon to Strasbourg crashed at Mont Saint-Odile in the Vosges mountains, killing all 82 passengers and five crew members.

2009 : Barack Obama inaugurated

Barack Obama is inaugurated as 44th President of the United States. He is the first African-American to hold this position. He was state senator in Illinois from 1997 to 2004 and U.S. senator between 2005 and 2008.

Citazione del giorno : 20 Gennaio

Barack Obama
The fact that my 15 minutes of fame has extended a little longer than 15 minutes is somewhat surprising to me and completely baffling to my wife.

Compleanni : 20 Gennaio

André-Marie Ampère, Fisico francese (1775)
Eugène Sue, Scrittore (1804)
Ernest Chausson, Compositore francese (1855)
George Burns, Attore (1896)
Isabel Withers, Attrice (1896)
Colin Clive, Attore britannico (1900)
Joy Adamson, Naturalista (1910)
Ghulam Ishaq Khan, Presidente del Pakistan (1915)
Federico Fellini, Regista (1920)
Patricia Neal, Attrice (1926)
David Tudor, Pianista americano (1926)
Buzz Aldrin, Astronauta (1930)
David Lee, Premio Nobel per la fisica (1931)
Pierre Lalonde, Cantante canadese (1941)
Cyrille Guimard, Direttore sportivo nel ciclismo (1947)
Göran Persson, Primo ministro svedese (1949)
Mahamane Ousmane, Presidente del Niger (1950)
Paul Stanley, Musicista (Kiss) (1952)
Lorenzo Lamas, Attore (1958)
Apa Sherpa, Sherpa nepalese alpinista (1960)
James Denton, Attore americano (1963)
Patrick K. Kroupa, Computer hacker (1967)
Derrick Green, Cantante (Sepultura) (1971)
Gretha Smit, Pattinatore olandese (1976)
Mari Yaguchi, Cantante giapponese (1983)

Ci hanno lasciato un 20 Gennaio

David Garrick, Attore inglese (1779)
Jean-François Millet, Pittore francese (1875)
George V, Re del Regno Unito (1936)
Johnny Weissmuller, Nuotatore e attore (1984)
Barbara Stanwyck, Attrice (1990)
Audrey Hepburn, Attrice (1993)
Per Borten, Primo ministro della Norvegia (2005)
Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed