eso ha pasado un 17 Junio

1885 : Statue of Liberty

On June 17, 1885, the Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from France to the United States, arrived in New York. It was created by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. After assembly, it was installed on Bedloe's Island, an uninhabited island in the Bay of New York which was later renamed Liberty Island.
The statue became a national monument in 1924.

1940 : France surrendered

On June 17, 1940, Marshal Petain who was appointed by President Lebrun , asked the armistice with Germany from Bordeaux. Everyone who wanted to continue the war alongside England was discarded. 'The defeat was in the air. Now the country slnks. MPs, and everybody escape and escape first their responsibilities' said the writer Julien Green.

1953 : Soviet troops crushed the rebellion in East Berlin

On June 17, 1953, Soviet troops crushed the workers' demonstrations in East Berlin. Construction workers were protesting against working conditions and called for a general strike and demanded free elections. Soviet forces violently crushed the rebellion with their tanks and armored vehicles.

1972 : 5 men arrested for burglary at the Watergate

On June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for theft, with sophisticated audio equipment in the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate complex in Washington. They had links with the Committee for re-election of President Nixon and a survey of two Washington Post journalists discovered the involvement of Nixon staff in the burglary and the president had to resign after lying to Congress about the affair and obstructed the justice, one year later.

Actualidad del día : 17 Junio

National Day of Iceland
June 17 is National Day of Iceland, which celebrates the country's independence from Denmark in 1944.

Cita del día : 17 Junio

Richard Nixon
The press is the enemy.

Cumpleaños : 17 Junio

Charles Gounod, Compositor francés (1818)
William Crookes, Químico y físico inglés (1832)
Igor Stravinsky, Compositor ruso (1882)
Ralph Bellamy, Actor americano (1904)
François Jacob, Biólogo francés, Premio Nobel de Medicina (1920)
Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica, Premio Nobel de la Paz (1942)
Ken Livingstone, Político inglés (1945)
Eddy Merckx, Ciclista belga (1945)
Paul Young, Cantante inglés (1947)
Marc Jolivet, Humorista francés (1950)
Etienne Chatiliez, Director de cine francés (1952)
Wanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares de Vasconcelos (Lio), Cantante portuguesa (1962)
Greg Kinnear, Actor americano (1963)
Michael Gross, Nadador alemán (1964)
Jason Patric, Actor americano (1966)
Paul Tergat, Atleta de Kenia (1969)
Paulina Rubio, Cantante mexicana (1971)
Leander Paes, Jugador de tenis indio (1973)
Jennifer Irwin, Actriz canadiense (1975)
Isabelle Delobel, Patinadora francesa (1978)
Venus Williams, Jugadora de tenis americana (1980)
Rafael Sóbis, Futbolista brasileño (1985)
Stephanie Rice, Nadador australiano (1988)
Jordan Henderson, Futbolista Inglés (1990)

Nos han dejado un 17 Junio

Arthur Harden, Químico Inglés, Premio Nobel (1940)
Dorothy Richardson, Escritora inglesa (1957)
Jeff Chandler, Actor americano (1961)
Donald J. Cram, Químico estadounidense, premio Nobel (2001)
Cyd Charisse, Actriz y bailarina americana (2008)
Darrell Powers (Shifty), Sargento Easy Company, 2 º Batallón, Regimiento de Infantería Paracaidista 506a, 101a división aerotransportada, 2a Guerra Mundial (2009)
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