education / santé Numéros et liens utiles tourisme

Vous êtes ici : Accueil> education / santé Numéros et liens utiles tourisme › Villeneuve Loubet

Activités / Sorties

Education / santé : Numéros et liens utiles


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16, av. de la Mer
Tel +33 (0)4 92 02 66 16

Opening times from September to June, from Monday to Friday : 9am - 12am and 2pm - 6pm and Saturday : 9.30am - 12.30am (and 2pm - 6 pm june & sept.). Opening Times in July-August, from Monday to Friday : 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 7pm. Saturdays : 9.30am - 12.30am and 3pm - 7 pm and Sundays : 10am - 1pm.

Temporary offices: Village : Rue de l'Hôtel de Ville and the train station in the summer.

Label kid: this national label, supported by the Minister for Tourism, has been awarded to 50 French destinations which are ready to welcome you for your family holidays. Villeneuve-Loubet is the leading station kid (kids' resort) in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region.

In the stations kid, children rule: special efforts are put into the welcome, the activities, the amenities, safety, the environment and the events provided in order to provide a genuine policy of welcome for children and families.

Ask the family guide for your holiday at one of the tourist offices or request that it be sent to you.

Vue mer : crédit photo Aseed