education / health Health and Safety children's hospitals

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57 av. de la Californie
Tel +33 (0)4 92 03 03 92 / urgences +33 (0)4 92 03 03

The only establishment specialising 100% in the treatment of young patients (0-18 years). It concentrates on all branches of paediatrics, including medicine, surgery and psychiatry. The emergency service is backed by the medical-technical laboratory and the department of medical images (radiology, IRM, scanner, echography). Paediatric emergency service, every day, 24h/24h. The hospital works in partnership with the SANTA MARIA POLYCLINIC and the DENTAL CENTRE specialised for children, opposite (54 avenue de la Californie, Rez-de-chaussée / ground floor)- Tel: +33 (0)4 92 15 06 80.

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